Role of an Interest Group Councillor

Here is what last year’s officer team had to say about Student Council

Congratulations on being elected as an Interest Group Councilor in an area we assume you are passionate about. A significant part of becoming a student leader is having passion and a drive to engage, influence, and motivate your peers to #UseYourVoice.

We think that you will find Module 2 of Awakening the Leader Within – Purpose, Vision & Values delivered by Muireann & Hugh very exciting, and supportive in helping you build a community of change. Now more than ever students need to step into leadership roles and have a voice in their student experience.

Student Council Structure

Student Council is where all the big decisions are made!
Council is made up of 56 students who discuss and vote on UL Student Life policy ensuring a better student experience in all areas, academic, social, welfare, equality, and diversity. You are now part of this dynamic group of student leaders and we want you to #UseYourVoice. For more information please familiarise yourself with the Student Council role chart below to see your role within the Student Council structure.

Useful Links & Resources

Student Representation Handbook
Student Council | UL Student Life
Student Union Governance | UL Student Life
UL Student Life Volunteer Policy
How to Turn Advocacy Into Action | Heidi Harmon | TedX
How Women Can Save the Planet | The Women's Podcast

Interest Group Councillor Roles & Responsibilities

Student Affairs

Student Affairs Councillor would engage with the Student Affairs division of the University and get feedback from them in terms of any trends or issues that are arising in the various services. For example, this councillor would give feedback from the disabilities service to the Student Council to open discussion around supports needed, campaigns etc.


Sports Councillor would be in contact with UL Sport and the major sporting clubs in UL. Their role would be to communicate with the Student Council around areas that need to be addressed in terms of sports offerings, facilities and sports promotion.


Activities Councillor would liaise with the Events & Engagement Coordinators around the kind of events students want to see on campus and then bring this information to the Student Council. They would also bring any relevant notices to the Student Council from societies on campus that it could help promote to students etc.

First Year

First Year Councillor would engage with the First Year Support Coordinator on a regular basis to discuss any common themes or issues arising for first year students. These issues or themes could then be brought to the Student Council where they can be discussed and solutions could be found.

Student Services

Student Services Councillor would work in a similar vein to the Student Affairs Councillor in engaging with the various support services around campus, collecting feedback and data that could then inform policy/campaigns going forward.


Co-op Councillor would liaise with the Co-op Office and get a sense of what supports student need while on co-op and before that when applying for placements. By working with the Co-op Office directly, council can be better informed about policy changes that could support students in the co-op process.

Campus Facilities

Campus Facilities Councillor would liaise with the relevant groups around UL in terms of the facilities offered to students including: educational, social and sporting. Where issues or concerns are identified around the facilities on campus, the Student Council can discuss ways in which work can be done to rectify them.

Equality & Diversity Councillor

Equality & Diversity Councillor would liaise with the various student support areas of UL e.g. Access / Disability etc. They would engage with UL to ensure that the university adheres to the Equality & Diversity policy. Also UL Global and International Society to seek opportunities to engage and support diverse student groups on campus.

Disabilities Councillor

Disabilities Councillor would liaise with the disability service to get a sense of the issues faced by students with disabilities. Through regular engagement with the service, opportunities to meet and engage with students to get feedback. When feedback is received and issues are identified, the Student Council can discuss ways in which work can be done to rectify them.

Home International Councillor

Home International Councillor would liaise with UL Global and International Society to seek opportunities to engage with International student groups on campus. Engage with the Events and Engagement Coordinators around suggestions of types of entertainment and activities students want to experience and then bring this information to the Student Council. Also explore opportunities to engage with international student reps on the Student Executive and Student Council to ensure they are part of the UL community.

Visiting International Councillor

Visiting International Councillor would liaise with UL Global and International Society to seek opportunities to engage and support diverse student groups on campus. They would also seek ideas from the Student Council and highlight issues.

Mature Student Councillor

Mature Student Councillor would liaise with the Mature Student Office to get a sense of the issues faced by mature students. Through regular engagement with the service, opportunities to meet and engage with students to get feedback. When feedback is received and issues are identified, the Student  Council can discuss ways in which work can be done to rectify them e.g. C&S, Activities, Entertainments etc.

LGBTQI Councillor

LGBTQI Councillor would liaise with the LGBTQ+ support groups and societies on campus to be the voice of the student group to highlight issues that the Student Council can discuss and explore new ideas for.

Entertainments Councillor

Entertainments Councillor would liaise with the Events and Engagement Coordinators around suggestions of types of entertainment students want to experience and then bring this information to the Student Council. They would also liaise with class reps to seek ideas on what are popular trends for entertainment.

Volunteering Councillor

Volunteering Councillor would look at the promotion of volunteering opportunities on campus. They would liaise with the SVO and local charity organisations to recruit students to volunteer for worthy causes. They would also seek advice and ideas from the Student Council in volunteering on campus and the local communities e.g. Access Campus.

Community Councillor

Community Councillor would liaise with UL Student Life and students to positive engagement between students and the local community. They would promote the MnM initiative to the student body. They would also seek ideas from the Student Council to promote community engagement.

Student Parent Rep

Student Parent Rep would liaise with the university to represent students’ parents and highlight issues faced by these students while attending UL. They would liaise with Access / Mature offices, as well as UL Creche to promote positive engagement between students and the local community. They would also seek ideas from the Student Council to promote community engagement and highlight issues.

Sanctuary Rep

Sanctuary Rep would liaise with the university to represent sanctuary students and highlight issues faced by these students while attending UL. They would explore ways to engage with students to make their experience in UL positive. They would also seek ideas from the Student Council and highlight issues.

Your Role & Responsibilities

You have a hugely important role in the Student Council. 

  • You are the student voice within UL for your area.
  • You are a member of an interest group which has a chairperson.
  • The chairperson is a member of both Student Executive and Student Council.
  • The chairperson will contact you to organise an introductory meeting.
  • The information will be shared by the chairperson in a report to the Student Council.
  • You will work closely with the group to promote relevant initiatives both within and outside the university.
  • You need to attend all Student Council meetings. 
  • You must send apologies to the Chair of Council & copy Jasmine Ryan, Leadership and Representation Administrator if you are unable to attend meetings.
  • Your role on the Student Council is to get feedback from the wider student body about your area and report this information back to the interest group and chairperson. 
  • Seek additional support from your chairperson.
  • It is not your responsibility to support students with personal issues. Encourage students to Book a call  with our Student Information & Support Coordinators (SISC).
  • As a member of the Student Council you hold your executive to account through participation in the Student Council. This is furthered by having an Executive Oversight Committee (made up of Student Council members).

Please note: every council member can volunteer to sit on the Executive Oversight Committee. See link for more information