Frequently Asked Questions

What are all the codes on my timetable?

Line one is your module code, this is how you can look up your module details on; your module specific timetable on; or your individual module content on Line Two is your module/ tutorial leader (can be anonymous for tutorials if they are ad-hoc appointments), and line three is the room you are in.

What are those websites? is the UL website to find your semester timetable, exam timetable, week dates, and room information (capacity, technological facilities, etc,); is the universal database of the module overviews for all modules that are taught in UL. You can learn the module leader, outcomes, textbooks, modes of assessment, and module content on some of the programmes delivered (Note: not all modules are updated regularly and some data on the website is outdated but it gives a pretty good overview of what to expect for an upcoming module – very handy resource for electives).

Why is my timetable blank/ missing modules/ incomplete?

If your timetable is blank, you can contact Academic Registry by logging a call through the UL StudentHub website.

What types of classes are there?

There are lectures, tutorials, and labs; the combination of these depends on each specific module. Look at your course outline on to learn more about each module.

Where can I find a one-stop-shop of all the supports available to UL students?

You can learn about the variety of supports and services available at In addition, our Student Information and Support coordinators can provide advice.

If I contact Academic Registry, what is a reasonable wait time for a response?

From Weeks 0-7, you can expect an answer within 48 hours, during exam season (Weeks 8-16) you should allow up to 5 working days for a reply. Academic Registry aim to answer queries within 24 hours, but due to the volume of demands and strains on resources, that may not always be possible.

How can I get support with a query in UL?

Check out for most queries, or else contact your Academic Advisor which you can learn about via your student portal.

How can I access my student portal?

Using the same login details you use for printing, emails, and UL PC access (which you created as part of your orientation), you can check your details, complete your module registration (mandatory every semester, even Co-op & Erasmus), see your academic progression, view your Co-Op details, see your academic advisor details, and request official UL documents from

Can I get Microsoft Office for free?

 Yes you can, on a maximum of 5 non-UL devices, as well as all PC’s and loanable laptops on campus with the full Office 365 package – giving you all the resources you need to access UL materials.

What if I need SPSS or other specific software?

Contact the library or your module leader to access the software. It will be provided to you in the vast majority of cases.

How do I access student WiFi?

Select eduroam and enter your UL student details. This will work in any university that is subscribed to the eduroam system.

How do I print a document at UL?

ITD have implement a new ‘Follow Me Print’ service. You can print, copy and scan documents at any Multi-Function Printer (MFP) located throughout the campus. You have the option to print in black & white or colour (choose this option before sending your document to print). Printer queues are clearly identified as ‘Black & White’ or ‘Colour’. You will need to have print credit on your account to print as there is a charge for printing. The print jobs are submitted to a release queue, and you can visit any MFP to release and print your job. You’ll only be charged once you have released the print job. Online Print Submission. Submit print jobs online at  and release at any student printer anywhere on campus, using your ID card or computer account. You’ll only be charged once you have released the print job.

Is scanning a paid service?

No, you can scan-to-email FOC once you have signed into a MFP with your Student ID.

Can a lecturer change assessment details at any point in a semester?

A lecturer should provide a module outline at the start of the semester and contract expectations around assessment and communicate any changes adequately. However, as a student representative you have the right and the ability to represent the needs of your classmates and let your voices be heard if there is an unfair change in the module assessment delivery.

Can a lecturer reuse material from previous years?

Yes, they can, however if you feel they are inaccurate and this inaccuracy could impact your assessment(s) you should notify your lecturer and seek reassurances that the classes’ ability to successfully complete this module won’t be impacted by reused, recycled, or repetitive materials.

My needs assessment with DSS is not being considered by my lecturer

Contact your Class Rep and ensure that your lecturer realises that there are DSS registered students in their class. If they do not make reasonable accommodations, then contact and your Disability Councillor at UL Student Life.

What support can I get for organising events as a Class Rep?

It is the Class Reps’ responsibility to organise any parties, class trips, class merchandise, etc. There is no budget set out by UL Student Life to organise these events, and we recommend keeping the costs of these purchases as low as possible to not put anyone under any financial pressures. If you want to order merchandise through UL Student Life, please visit the shop. If you are planning a Class Ball, you may contact our Events Team at, and they might be able to provide support to you, depending on notice, resources, and availability. Do give as much notice as possible when organising a large event.